Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Un-Paper Towels!

I saw this posted on a friend's pinterest and thought I'd make my own!

I bought a towel from the thrift store ($1.90) and fat quarters from the fabric store ($2/each) so overall this cost me ~$5.90 for 8 un-paper towels. Pretty sweet! The other fabric you'll see in the first photo are for some handkerchiefs I'm going to make next.

Also, I wasn't as precise in measuring my towels. I just cut the decorative fabric into fourths and left them at that size. I did take the other bloggers advice and sew diagonally across the middle so that the two sides won't separate during use or in the laundry. Overall I'm pretty happy with the way they turned out. Can't wait to use them!

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Kickin It in Athens

I'm getting organized here in Athens, and having fun exploring the town!

(this isn't my cat, but one that has adopted our building and I've named it Fluffer)