Wednesday, August 29, 2012

August Reflection

Tomorrow I will have been on the road for 6 weeks. Well, not literally ON the ROAD since I've used many, many forms of transportation to get around, but traveling nonetheless. Vehicle, legs, train, bus, lightrail, bicycle, plane, and boat. And while there are ups and downs of traveling and sleeping in many different beds and places and meeting new folks, I think one of the most challenging and rewarding parts about this type of seeing the world is learning to love and accept being alone with yourself. Now I'm no stranger to this, in fact I sometimes wonder why I keep putting myself in situations where I spend a lot of time with me, but despite this I've been really appreciative of the time I've had to think and read and write and just be in motion. I strongly believe that everyone at some point in their life, even for just a small amount of time, or a small trip, or a large trip, should have the kind of adventure where they have to be alone with themselves and take the opportunity to get comfortable with who they are and reflect on what they want out of life and be conscious of choosing and living the life they are leading, rather than just doing the day-in and day-out routine without any real thought. I find that when I'm traveling I see ordinary objects and place in new light and find bits of poetry bubbling up and I take the time to write it down instead of letting it float away. I realize my limits and comfort levels and push those. I make note of what I need to function and be a good person (sunshine, water, sleep, good food, books, beauty, human connection and reciprocal affirmation and love, self-reliance, exercise, laughter, to name a few). So while I have thoroughly enjoyed my traveling so far, and I was SO happy to re-visit Maine for a bit, I'm excited about the rest of my journey, and reminding myself to appreciate every part of the journey and not take it for granted that I have this wonderful opportunity to explore and grow and relax and find value in not needing to DO something conventionally productive. There is value in taking time for yourself and reconnecting with yourself and I hope others can do the same.

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