After work though, I found Beth and we hung out which was uber fun!
We went to Ben & Jerry's and ate ice cream and watched the traffic at the light. Now, this may not seem that exciting, but we had a great time being creepers and people watching the drivers and passengers in the cars. There was this one dude who had a huge nose but thought he was totally cool. There was also this bus from OSU, don't ask me why they were there. Anyways, I decided to wave to the people on it, thinking that they were going to just drive by, but no, they had to stop right next to us and get out and eat at the fancy restaurant right next door. So of course Beth and I thought this was hilarious and embarrassing, but also lots of fun.
Then we went down the street to Boston Stoker and this really friendly happy guy asked us how we had enjoyed our day and if we had gone outside. So he gave us our DELICIOUS chai tea lattes and we sat around and read our books that we had brought, because of course you have to bring your book to the coffee shop and sit around and look cool and intellectual. I'm reading the Alchemist right now for out book club which is a very easy read, but pretty interesting so far.
After that we leisurely walked back to our rooms and then hung out eating fruit and discussing which Disney prince was the best (Phillip of course). We also tried to decide which fictional men we love and want to meet. (Oh, Mr. Darcy, sigh)
Ok, so here are some photos from today:
This is my half cubicle....I'm only slightly fond of it. Also this professor stopped by today and asked me if I was from New Zealand, and I was like, well, no, but I'm going there. And he told me all about how he taught there for 6 months and loved it and was homesick for it when he looked at my flag. He also told me he would bring in his 3 photo albums to show me. So that was an unexpected but fun thing today.
This is the awesome tiny English convertible I saw today in the parking lot. It was soo small and cute!
Coffee!!! (which I actually don't like , but w/e)
A sweet drawing on the Expresso Yourself board:
That is all for now my friends.
sleepily yours,
p.s. Drew, I think we should merge our book clubs (Emily and I have started one if I didn't tell you about that). We're meeting at Boston Stoker which is so chic. Anyways, lets do this!
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