Friday, May 30, 2008

A Really Creative Title

Home again, home again...

So, as you might have guessed, I'm back home with the fam. Thursday was not terribly exciting although Beth and I did try to go to a bead store but it was closed. : (

Today, I tried really hard at work to find things to do but couldn't come up with much. I wish it wasn't so boring, but alas. I did however have time to read some blogs and search for some scholarships and loans and grad schools. So I am actually being productive, just not in the way that my boss might like. (It's sort of his fault cuz he's not here and I can't do much til I hear back from some people I emailed). I read all about Liz and her crazy plane flight. This makes me very nervous about flying to New Zealand, but I'm still going to do it. I also cannot wait to see some pictures from Liz! As for pictures from me, I'm at home and I don't have my laptop so I can't really put any up, but I will later. Also, I know I haven't posted my pictures from when I visited Senia, but....I guess I don't really have any excuse except for laziness.

So I met up with Meredith for dinner at Chipolte (YUM!!!) and Zip Dip (YUM!!!!!!!). And that was lots of fun. We talked and talked and caught up about all that we had been doing. She has a bf who sounds just great and I'm glad that she's happy. It's good when a fun, cool, sweet, smart, friend finds someone she's happy with.
Anyways, enough about boys ( :P) who needs them anyways right Liz?

: D

Hmm...I don't really have any deep thoughts for today. I've been thinking of everyone who is overseas, and even those who I just haven't seen recently. I'm also kinda bumed cuz K. Price is retiring and I need to see her too.

Wishes to everyone for a happy weekend.

Short and Sweet,


Anonymous said...

I wouldn't worry to much about the flight itself. Both of my flights were pretty smooth and on time, only that you might have to watch what you eat (you could bring food [like I did] and actually eat it on the plane [unlike what I did]). It may just be that I had trouble adjusting to the food abroad as well. I am also the intelligent kind of person who forgets to bring pepto-bismol (sp?) with me.

Also, I'm a bit curious why that boy comment is directed at me....ok, I take it back perhaps I am that cynical.

Anonymous said...

Hey... wait... what do you mean you read my blog?! There is a suspicious lack of comments... I expect actual feedback in the future--consider this your warning.

Anonymous said...

I don't mean to over do it on the comments, but I also was wondering how it is possible to be reading four books simultaneously. That said I read a pretty cute children's book (in English) called Coraline (it remined me of Ray Bradbury's novels a bit).