That may sound insignificant, but it wasn't. When I say I made dinner, I mean, I cooked for 5 people and we ate and it tasted pretty darn good. : )
When I went to the grocery store earlier this week and bought lots of good food, I knew that I wanted to make a big stir fry dinner. So I bought stuff to do it and tonight, I did it!
I cooked brown rice all by my self. I was really nervous about it and worried that I would ruin it, and you know, you can't really have stir fry without the stir right? (I'm assuming that the rice is the stir, although the vegetables are not really fried so...)
However, despite a little longer cooking time than expected since I didn't have the heat high enough, the rice actually turned out good. It wasn't crunchy and was just sticky enough. Although I must admit since it was my first time I did get a bunch of rice stuck to the bottom of the pan. BUT, it was not a non-stick pan so maybe it wasn't all my fault.
As for vegetables, I cooked up some onions, peppers (red and green), carrots, zucchini, and snow peas. It think that was all... Anyways, I also put some scrambled egg in, like in fried rice, which they thought was weird but I liked it. And I also marinated some firm tofu in soy sauce and other stuff and then tossed it in with the rest of the veggies and egg.
So when it was all said and done and cooked, we ate it and it was delicious. The tofu was a bit strange and squishy, but with the rest of it mixed in it tasted good. My dinner guests were Emily, Beth and Mary Ellen. But there were also some other girls from my floor there so we ate and talked to them and it was a lot of fun.
Mary Ellen also brought yellow cake with chocolate icing and pink lemonade so we were very full at the end.
Then, after much discussion of weird/bad scary movies, we decided to watch Juno since none of us had seen. I'm glad I watched it. I did enjoy it and I thought the girl was very cool. It was kind of weird though because it wasn't that long. And I kind of felt like I had popped into this girl's life and was just watching a part of it. It was interesting and I really liked the song were they said, "I'm sticking with you because I'm made of glue." It was cute. (and the guy really liked to eat orange tic-tacs if you're wondering why that's in the title of this blog)
So tomorrow is another day and that is just beautiful. I'm also excited because we (Me, Beth, Mary Ellen and hopefully some others) are going to the drive-in movies. Oh how I love the drive in.
Finally, Drew, I'm not sure how Tim got away with being a closet poet but I think you would enjoy his music. And I'm excited about said comfort mystery food and Beth and I will surely make heart shaped biscuits. And Pete, don't beat up any small children. (also, I'm glad you like the food there)
Here's today's photo:
Peace and Love,
I think I am the only person who didn't like Juno.
Anyway, I changed the address of my blog, because I didn't want to have my last name in it anymore. Sorry to keep changing things around, but I think I'll be sticking with this one for quite a while!
Was this your first time trying tofu or was it only strange because you marinated it in soy sauce?
I've heard so many good things about Juno, so the fact that Rachel apparently didn't like it makes me feel better, because I don't think I would really like it. I don't tend to like movies that are just about... life. I like crazy adventurous action-packed fantistic dragon-containing movies!!!! And other movies, but those are the BEST!
Making dinner IS a big deal!!! I feel so accomplished every time I cook and manage to pull off a meal for my whole family! Especially a fancy meal. Or a French meal. Wait - I think that was repetitive. : )
Your biscuits sound absolutely DELICIOUS! Did you follow a recipe? I'd love to taste them and/or get your recipe!
And finally: Beautiful flower picture!
Love you, Kate!
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