I also helped Emily make bread today which I enjoyed very much. Actually though, it's not done yet but it will be soon. I think I really like baking. I also want to make biscuits this week. I just have a craving for them.
Enough about food though. Sorry I've been gone all weekend without a computer so I couldn't post anything. I went home and then bright and early (and I'm talking early, like 6:30am, early) we left for the lake. Drew had signed up his boat to take special needs people out fishing so we did that. Later my mom and I spent some time together which was nice. Mostly we relaxed, but it's always good to see the fam. Then on Sunday we ate breakfast on the porch and watched the lake. I enjoy this a lot because it's very peaceful and homey. After that we packed up and went down to the beach to read our books. Then I drove back to here and didn't do much after that.
Today I tried writing some poetry at work and didn't get very far but it was nice to just get back in the mindset of it. It felt kind of like things were all rusty in my brain and I just needed to grease them up before some decent poems could form. Lunch was great because Tim, Emily, Liz and I ate outside and had fun. We decided to take the kayaks out this week so I'm thrilled about that. We'll miss you Drew!
Looking online I found some things that are going on in Dayton this week and I think I'm going to go to this free concert, which should be fun. I am also going to get some people together to go to the drive-in movies. I LOVE the drive-in so I was very excited to find 2 in the Dayton area.
Hm...Our first book club is tomorrow so I'll let you know how that goes. We're going to decide what to read and when to meet so if anyone has suggestions, I'm all ears. Also, I think I might check out this community dark room this week and hopefully I'll be able to get in there this summer and process some photographs. I really liked being in there with my music. It's very strange but nice. It's like you step out of time for a while since there's no windows and the clock becomes this thing that you time the developing process by instead of something that tells you where you are in the course of the day.
So here's my picture for today:
p.s. I made tasty pumpkin bread too!
You know, Katie, for being in Bolvia I´m very jealous. I love drive-in movies, free concerts, kyaking, and lunch with Emily, Liz, and Tim. I´d say it´s a pretty great summer you´re having! Tell Liz that. We had an online discussion on summer doldrums and we´re jare a work finding a cure.
I love your pictures. Thanks for keeping up with them!
If you come up with an alternative life plan, please let me know about it.
Wasn´t that the point of studying sociology?
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