Tonight my parents are coming to move the rest of my stuff out of my small dorm room and take it home with them. They are doing this because they are wonderfully nice people, unlike the housing folk who decided to put conference people into my apt, causing me to be unable to move into it early.
Then tomorrow I will be catching a ride with Alex to Knoxville, TN to visit Alice darling! Can't wait to see her. Hopefully, I will be seeing the Dark Knight with them.
Then onward to Chattanooga to visit Margaret! and finally to Georgia for a week long environmental training seminar.
At the end of that week, my parents (whom I love dearly for all that they do for me) will be picking me up on their way to Florida, where we will spend a weeks vacation relaxing. At least, that is the plan. We are hoping this trip does not degrade into what last summer's vacation turned into: 7 hours of food-poisoning hell.
Anyways, after that week, I'll be back in Dayton for a super duper week of River Steward love. I am SOO excited about this. Drew (and the other Stews) get ready for some awesome fun, campfire stories, paddling excitement and general all around Stew-tastic adventure.
Then, it's about 5 days of hanging out, reuniting with long lost friends, and school shopping, before classes start.
So, if any of you non-UD friends would like to see me before school could be tough. We'll work something out though, maybe you could visit before school starts. We'll see.
I also wanted to share that when I was packing all of my stuff to move out, I found an old fortune from a fortune cookie and it was just so perfect. It reads, "friends long absent will return to you" or something along those lines, I can't remember it exactly cuz it's on my desk in my room. But I just thought it was perfect.
So. I also wanted to say that my mom came to visit for a night and that was lots of fun. It was kind of like 'bring your mom to work day' which was good, and then we ate Thai food and generally had a daring adventure. : D
I guess lastly I wanted to let everyone know that I will probably not have internet for the next 2ish weeks. I might have it here and there but I can't guarantee anything.
Love you all!
p.s. I bought these new amazing sandals and they rock! I'll post a picture if I can find one online.
Way to hitch a a zillion rides between Dayton and Georgia to get to the environmental leadership training. It's like a Jack Kerouac novel, only with a sustainability element.
I hope you don't get 7 hours of food poisoning hell. I've been unaccountably lucky in Bolivia, but I heard the Nicaragua people all caught it.
I'm home THIS FREAKING MONDAY and I'm pumped about it. Yo creo que Bolivia he aprovechado (I think I took advantage of my time here, though.) You'll have to judge when we start telling campfire stories.
Oh, and say hi to Alex, Alice, and Margaret for me.
OH MY GOSH...I miss you, love your sweet new Keens (I have used mine EVERYDAY this past week and I have weird tan lines to prove it!) I'm sure you are loving them, and I am going to echo Drew--I can't wait to see you around our camp fire!
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