Also, I get emails from and environmental news and humor group called Grist. In their latest email they had this little diddy which I think could be a great opportunity for anyone (esp Franz) to jump in and ask some questions to these self-proclaimed semi-experts. Here it is below:
"Let's Talk About Place, Baby
Calling anyone who lives, well, anywhere: we're starting a column on public transportation, walkable neighborhoods, urban agriculture, green building, and the other nifty ways communities can get greener, and we want your questions! Wondering if green building is worth its weight in concrete? Or how to find out who's in charge of adding bus lines in your city? Can't figure out why your suburban neighbors are packing up and moving downtown? Enough about global problems and international agreements -- let's talk about where you live. Send your question now . "
So check it out and I'll write more later. Now I'm going home to my hobbit-hole as my mom likes to call it to cook some yummy dinner!
Keep on thinking those thoughts,
(added later after dinner)
I'm not sure how much most of you care about my cooking skills, but I'm pretty excited about what I did for dinner. Now it may just sound like pasta to you, but you would be sadly mistaken. The reason I'm so excited is because I made my own pasta sauce from just a can of diced tomatoes. And it turned out quite delicious. This was one good combo of pasta and tomatoes because It had whole wheat organic rottelle pasta, organic diced tomato sauce a la katie, Parmesan cheese, crumbled italian crutons and ice cold limeade to drink. Yum!
Ok, enough about food. Now I'm off to the library to get a book and pick up my movie, The Jane Austen Book Club, that I ordered.
p.s. the picture is my lunch for tomorrow. oh how i love leftovers!
Hi Katie!
Thanks for the advertisement. I'm excited to see what you have to say in the comments.
Also, way to make your own pasta sauce. I'm doing the same thing, and it is delicious. Plus it is super cheap, depending on what type of budget you're on. I too am eating my leftover pasta for lunch today.
Speaking of pasta sauce, I had a conversation with Mike Vehar today at a vegetarian restaurant about how pumped we are for the local foods market, and how we could buy tomatoes from local farmers to make our own tomato sauce. I'm glad to see that you guys are acquiring the appropriate skills.
Also, Katie, since we'll be across campus neighbors and probably hosting CENA dinners next year I care quite a lot about your cooking skills. I have seen the future and in it you teach me how to stir-fry.
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